Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hello Students, I hope that you have had a relaxing and reflective winter break.  Mine has been good, spending some time in San Diego for five days and now back up in San Francisco.  My time has been quite short, but I was able to do some grading for all of you the other day in Orange County before having lunch with an old college friend. 

One of the most revealing part of my trip is the level of increased development taking part in Southern California right now, especially when compared to Humboldt County or even Northern California.  One of the major problems with spending so much time in Humboldt County in my opinion is that it is hard for us, as students and professionals, to break out and connect with others outside.  When you leave Eureka next year, which many of you will most certainly do, you will find that not that many people will even know where Eureka is.  Furthermore, you are going to have to navigate more dynamic and culturally different areas, even within the United States. 

Another reason why this trip has been good for me, at least, is that it has reminded of the work that I have previously done.  Also, all of us need to do a better job at explaining ourselves and working on our public speaking.  I am looking forward to your presentations starting after the break.  And make sure you practice on your own! 

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