Friday, February 3, 2012

Midterm Set for Friday, February 10th

Hello All,
I didn't know whether the Midterm would be next Thursday or Friday, but Mr. Shanahan's weekly staff bulletin has solved this problem.  During 4th on Thursday, we will all be in the library for scholarship work with Cassandra of the Humboldt Area Foundation.  I encourage you to take a close look at the bulletin for today to look at the different scholarships that are available, as well as explore others.

This is what next week will look like:
Monday - Review Chapter 14 HW
Tuesday - Collect Chapter 14 HW, Ch. 12-14 Review passed out
Wednesday - Final Questions about the midterm
Thursday - Scholarship workshop
Friday - Midterm

We will start with Chapter 15 the following Monday, 2/13.

Mr. Joy

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