Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bloomberg TV & Charlie Rose

Hi Students,
Not all TV is created equal.  Bloomberg TV, found at, is a great way to watch the global finance markets, developments in Asia, Europe, and in New York, as well as develop your global perspective on the interrelationships between governments and economies of scale.  Most interviews have a lot of substance, and you will feel like you're travelling at a million miles a minute as the conversation goes forward.

Also, Charlie Rose is unlike any other interview show out there.  While the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert are certainly famous with your generation, take a look at some of the shows that Charlie Rose does.  You can find him online at Hulu, or Bloomberg TV broadcasts his interviews as well (4pm & 7pm PDT/PST).  He is also on late at night on public television, for you insomniacs out there.  His website is:


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