Sunday, August 28, 2011

CIA World Factbook

Hi All,
The most comprehensive site for economic facts divided by country and region is the CIA Factbook, found HERE.  Inside you can examine national economic statistics for every country, including GDP, unemployment, inflation, etc.  It also gives a good breakdown of household consumption, taxes, investment, industries, electricity and oil production and consumption, and many other useful statistics.  Check it out!

Also, this week is a short week, but I'm looking forward to talking about Chapter 2, distributing some quantitative exercises for you, and also going over the Chapter 2 homework (listed below).  I'm also excited to meet your parents this Wednesday at the Back-to-School night (or at least some of them).  For overseas parents, I'm available anytime for discussions over Skype, should there be any interest.

Keep up the good work!

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