Monday, September 19, 2011

Krugman in October 2008

Hi All,
Three years ago, when you were all Freshman, Wall Street and Washington were embroiled in a serious crisis that has not yet abated.  Here is a video from that moment featuring Paul Krugman.  This next chapter, Chapter 5, is an important one, but with the book being written in 2004, we need to supplement our learning to take the current situation into account.


Just a note, in April 2009, when I was on the East Coast, I was able to attend a graduate level class taught by Dr. Krugman at Princeton.  It was on international trade policy.  When we cover that subject later in the year, I will attempt to use my notes from that lecture to lead our discussion.  He won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on international trade in 2008.

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