Monday, September 26, 2011

Midterm Scores pt. 2

Scores have been posted!  We can go over it tomorrow, as well as Chapter 5 problems.

For Chapter 6, you are only responsible for #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 10 (12 pts.).  After Chapter 6, we will learn about Game Theory.  There is no chapter in our book on Game Theory, but I have another resource that we will use.  This will be especially useful for those of you interested in political economy.  Maybe we will watch A Beautiful Mind about Steve Nash and those all-important Nash equations.  The next midterm will be week 9 (week of October 17th to the 21st), and will cover Chapter 4, 5, 6, and the Game Theory things.  Our other midterms will be in the second quarter on week 4 and 8 (Nov. 14th-18th & Dec.12th-16th).

Third, the Paul Krugman assignment (below) will be due Friday.  It is below for those who were absent today (Monday).

AP EconomicsSeptember 26, 2011Famous Economists – Paul Krugman Dr. Krugman is a Nobel-winning economist who resides at the Woodrow Wilson School for International Studies at Princeton University.  He also writes for the New York Times on a bi-weekly basis.  During the Bush administration, he was quite critical of the way that Mr. Bush and his advisors handled the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the economic downturn that started in mid-2007.  He was also a strong proponent of Mr. Obama’s candidacy and the measure Obama put in place shortly after taking office (such as the stimulus package passed in February 2009 and health care reform).  As such, Dr. Krugman is a standard bearer of neo-Keynesian economics.
 In the past, I have given you articles written by different economists to read, but for today I want to you to find articles and/or op-eds on your own.  Your assignment is to find at least two, summarize each one, and also write why or why not you agree with his underlying assumptions.  Finally, put yourself in either Mr. Obama’s position or the position of one of the person’s running for the Republican nomination.  If you were that person, would you hire Dr. Krugman to serve on your Economic Advisory Council?  What about inside the Federal Reserve Bank?  Why or why not?  
Thanks for your hard work!

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