Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hi Class, I hope that the SAT went well today.  I'm afraid that I'm not feeling too good, and may not be able to attend class on Monday.  If that is the case, this is what I would like you to accomplish on Monday:
1.  Turn in your Krugman assignment, and discuss which positions you would want to hire him for.  If you wouldn't hire him at all, defend that position (pro-Economic Council people: 10 minutes; pro-Federal Reserve Bank people: 10 minutes; neither: 10 minutes) - groups will have five minutes to present and five minutes to answer questions.
2.  Finish your review of Chapter 6 - HW will be due on Wednesday.

There will be a substitute there, but you know enough to run the class yourselves competently.  The substitute's responsibility will simply be that of observer.  This is a good chance for you all to practice your leadership skills.

- Mr. Joy

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