Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Midterm Review

Hi All,
It has been too long since I posted on here.  But anyway, as we have a midterm on Friday, Thursday night at 7pm I will be available to observe take an active role in a study session at Round Table Pizza on Henderson Street.  I will be willing to stay an hour or two.

As this is a study session, attendance is purely optional.  It would be good for you to bring your corrected homework, the book, and some scratch paper.  Most of the questions on the midterm are quantitative-based.  Furthermore, there is a bonus question worth five points.

You need to understand game theory and the prisoners dilemma, comparative advantage, specialization, and international trade, and also how scarce resources are organized in different countries (based on their governments).

See you tomorrow in class and also tomorrow night!  I'm teaching Chinese tonight in McKinleyville.

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