Saturday, October 8, 2011

HSU Admissions Presentation

Happy Homecoming everybody!  And congrats to our very own Simon and Amelia on being this year's Homecoming King and Queen.  Also congrats to all the nominees from our class.  You're all royalty in my book.

Mr. Shanahan releases a Staff Bulletin every Friday, and in this Staff Bulletin he announced that our class and Coach White's Economics class will be attending an HSU Admissions Presentation next Thursday, October 13th.  I know many of you are not considering HSU, but gaining insight into the admission process will be helpful for all of you no matter where you end up.  I'll be reminding you all this next week, as we get back to normal after last week's abbreviated schedule.

Finally, for those of you considering accounting, business, international relations, and economics as majors (or science too!), I highly recommend that you subscribe to the Economist.  For the world's policymakers and business leaders, it is required reading the world over.  It will also give you the best insight into global affairs on a weekly basis than any other magazine or news publication in the world.  It will also improve your reading skills and boost your vocabulary.

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