Sunday, October 23, 2011

Midterm Results & Paper Details

Hi All,
The average for the second midterm was an 85.  That is higher than the average for the first midterm by 5 points.  However, I'm sure the results are skewed because of the bonus question.

I will pass back your exams tomorrow.  Furthermore, now that we are into the second semester, it is time to start thinking about our final projects.  I have deliberately avoided the topic thus far this semester, but during this second quarter we will begin a basic literature review in anticipation for your papers to be written in the second semester.

This project is going to be economics-based, but it will also require a bit of political analysis.  The basic unit of analysis for this project will be a single nation-state with a sizable or relevant economy.  All G20 countries will be covered, and I have also decided to allow you to pick Greece, Egypt, Hungry, Ukraine, and Nigeria as well.  During the remainder of this semester you will do a basic literature review for that countries that will give you a basic understanding of its economic system, key trading partners and industries, and other relevant issues.  You will conclude your report this semester with a proposal for further study of a specific issue or industry within that country.  That is what your final paper will be based on.  My next post will give you an example of a paper I wrote back in 2009 on China's steel industry that could be a useful guide for you.  I don't expect you to do the work of a graduate student, but given the amount of time and thought you will put into this effort, it will be something you should be very proud of.

Below is a list of the countries you can choose.  I'm sure that China and the United States will be popular choices, but you will bid on these countries.  Each of you will be given 100 points, and you can use those 100 points to bid on any countries you want.  However, even if you bid on a country and don't get it, you will still loose the points you bid on that specific country.  If you go down to 0 points, I will assign you countries based on what's left.  For example, lets say you want to focus your research on China, and you bid 80 points for China.  That means you will be left with only 20 points for the other rounds of bidding.  If two or more people have bid the same amount, the winner will be determined by flipping a coin.  The goal of this, of course, is to get you to learn something new about a country or industry you presently know nothing about.  Furthermore, if you are Chinese and you win the China bid, I will grade you harder than if you had chosen Mexico, Greece, or another country.

G20 Countries
  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Canada
  5. China
  6. France
  7. Germany
  8. India
  9. Indonesia
  10. Italy
  11. Japan
  12. Mexico
  13. Russia
  14. Saudi Arabia
  15. South Africa
  16. Republic of Korea
  17. Turkey
  18. United Kingdom
  19. United States

non-G20 countries
  1. Greece
  2. Egypt
  3. Hungry
  4. Ukraine
  5. Nigeria

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